To enable us to pay the highest possible commissions, all of our software has been carefully selected by our support team to meet the following important conditions:

  • must be cloud based so that it can be access anywhere, anytime
  • must be easy to use so that anyone can use it
  • must be secure and robust
  • must integrate with other software so that data entry is kept to a minimum

This is a list of some of the software that we use on a daily basis at Custom Realty Group.

  • CRM Software

    Customer Database & Property Listing Software

  • Realworks Software

    REIQ forms that can be completed either via the Realworks website or directly from REX or Pricefinder

  • Pricefinder

    Software that can be used to find information on properties and property owners across Australia

  • Email by Google

    Custom Realty Group uses Google Gmail for all email communication

  • Documents by Google

    Custom Realty Group uses Google Drive to securely store and share documents

  • Calendar by Google

    Custom Realty Group uses Google Calendar for shared events

  • CRG Intranet

    Private intranet where you can access relevant information and documentation